About Us
Lorca Marín is a Spanish company that focuses its activity on the design, manufacture and sale of medical devices used in surgery, radiation oncology and pressure ulcer prevention.
We have a wide range of products in each of the areas described, providing solutions to different problems, situations and medical techniques.
We are proud to be able to collaborate in the healing and reduction of human and animal suffering and to be able to support healthcare professionals in their needs.
We work every day with enthusiasm applying ethical principles and values with society and the environment, making available to customers, suppliers, administrations and society in general all our experience and know-how acquired since our inception.
At Lorca Marín we understand that a company is much more than a profit-making economic entity.
We believe that work should be a means where the person is fulfilled both humanly and professionally. Our human team has a great involvement in this noble task and feels linked to the company much more than a contractual relationship. Despite the difficulties of the market and the crisis, we try to maintain a stable staff of professionals with great experience in their work, with an average seniority of more than thirty years.
We are aware that there is an interdependence of all factors and we try to ensure that our economic activity has the least possible impact on the environment.
We know that we are a part of a whole, so we maintain close relationships with our suppliers and we try to be responsible with our social environment, understanding the applicable laws as a starting point to overcome, cooperating with social agents and always maintaining an ethical attitude, as we understand that ethics is not only a moral attitude but also the basis of any social and economic development.
Before 1936
Beginnings before the Spanish Civil War: Activity such as the manufacture of fishing line made of hijuela (a type of fishing line).
Starts activity as a manufacturer of surgical sutures
Introduces atraumatic needles in Spain, which reduces tissue damage in the suturing process.
Great penetration in the Spanish market of surgical sutures by the quality / price ratio. It begins with the export of its products to other markets such as Poland, Portugal, Italy ...
Expansion of the range of suture products with synthetic materials
We started a new activity, incorporating a new range of medical devices to prevent pressure ulcers.
We incorporated a new line of products for patient fixation in radiation oncology and started the implementation of an ISO 9001 quality management system and adaptation to the new regulations for medical devices.
2000s - 2010s
Expansion of the catalog with innovative products in the existing product ranges. We are making progress in the continuous improvement of our products and activities, maintaining and incorporating new management systems in accordance with ISO 14001 for the environment and ISO 45001 for occupational health and safety (at that time OHSAS 18001).
2010s - Present
New surgical mesh manufacturing line. Incorporation of the new SR-10 ethical management system, which reflects the company's ethical business culture and the values that have defined and continue to define us.
Antes de 1936
Inicios antes de guerra Civil española: Actividad como fabricación de hilos de pesca hechos de hijuela
Empieza actividad como fabricante de suturas quirúrgicas
Década de los 50
Introduce en España las agujas atraumáticas que supone una reducción de daño tisular en el proceso de suturado.
Década de los 60
Gran penetración en el mercado español de suturas quirúrgicas por la relación calidad /precio. Comienza con la exportación de sus productos a otros mercados como Polonia , Portugal , Italia …
Década de los 70
Ampliación de gama productos de sutura con materiales sintéticos
Década de los 80
Iniciamos nueva actividad, incorporando nueva gama de productos sanitarios para prevenir las úlceras por presión
Década de los 90
Incorporamos nueva línea de productos para la fijación de pacientes en oncología radioterápica y comenzamos con la implantación de un sistema de gestión de la calidad ISO 9001 y adaptación para la nueva reglamentación de productos sanitarios
Década de 2000-2010
Ampliación de catálogo con productos de innovación en las gamas de producto ya existentes. Avanzamos en la mejora continua de nuestros productos y actividades , manteniendo e incorporando nuevos sistemas de gestión conforme a ISO 14001 de medio ambiente e ISO 45001 de seguridad y salud laboral ( en aquel momento OHSAS 18001)
Década de 2010- Actualidad
Nueva línea de fabricación de mallas quirúrgicas. Incorporación de nuevo sistema de gestión ética SR-10 en el que se plasman la cultura ética empresarial y los valores que nos han definido y nos definen